Feel free to reply to my thoughts, experiences, and whatever comes out of this head of mine. blah blah blah

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Good news! Cody Marshall is up and cruising! I just read his blog and he is making great progress. Walking, dropping F bombs and yanking out his own feeding tube! But the nurses said its okay if he keeps eating on his own. GOOD JOB Cody, keep up the fight! Im stoked for the kid, seeing that I was in the hospital just 8 days ago and he was still in a coma. It is pretty incredible to see the strength he has and also all the people who are out there rooting for him. Keep up the good work Code

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Anti Energy Drink

My brother showed me this I thought it was pretty funny.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Git on up

My buddy SteveO does a lot of work for Fuel TV and created this piece. Pretty funny, very creative

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bi Lateral

I have been horrible with my communication lately, it has been over a month since I blogged. It has been extremely frustrating trying to figure out my knees but I think I am on the right track now. All of my images were fairly negative only hinting toward some bone bruising on my patellas. So I focused on healing those. When my pain never subsided kept digging deeper. Finally Dr Sterette at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic in Vail brought me in and took a more aggressive approach at my knees. He said they could see some build up in the plica (spelling?) which is a flap of tissue which sits underneath the quad tendon which connects to the patella. They think it was inflamed from my crash at Wengen and then I kept on it which never let it settle down and it started getting bigger and bigger. I also had minor tear in my quad tendon which wasn't healing and it probably wasn't healing because this plica was constantly irritating it. So with the removal of the plica hopefully it will give me space to heal and also reduce the pain in my knee. Seadman and Sterette were on point with their call and when they went into the knee there was a bunch of build up in the left knee also some random floating pieces in there as well. Also some synivitus (or something that sounds similar?, basically a tissue buildup) which they also removed. So now my knee has room to breathe and hopefully heal. My right knee was experiencing similar pains but not to the same level as the left so I told them to go in there as well and they found similar build up but in a more concentrated area. It was pretty interesting to watch. I decided to go local through the procedure and watch what was going on. It is incredible what medicine can do these days. I want to give a big up to Dr, Sterette, Steadman, all the other helpers, nurse Harriet, April, Stacy and a really big thanks to Ellen and the Foster Family for taking care of me while I am down and out.
Hopefully I write more on the blog while I'm out but mostly I have been sticking to twitter. It is way easier, my twit name is steebert.
Adios for now
